Today! Bloody Radamanthys for Saint Seiya KOTZ full version 😁

I hope you like it!

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TLC Divine Wyvern Radamanthys

official artwork shared by Seraph and assembled by tuhis in the game discord server

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Something I HAD to do after looking at a meme.

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Just noticed that I don’t have this in english.

And yeah, Radamanthys should make the dna test to stop this kind of tantrums.

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1 Kagaho
2 Minos (Lost Canvas)

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Radamanthys de Wyvern
Saint Seiya / 聖闘士星矢

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My contribution for "Saint Seiya in Summer" organized by ☀️ THE ZINE LOOKS AMAZING! 😭💦
This is my surfer Radamanthys in a "polaroid" pic 🙉💕

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สามารถอ่านฟิค heart (Radamanthys x Kardia) ได้ที่ readAwrite ครับ

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Tengo muchos pero la mayoría son funables por ser incestuosos, así que para no ser repetitiva te pongo Radamanthys×Myu, pero porque les manejo un terrible age gap

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Radamanthys clássico ou Lost Canvas?

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Com a barreira do castelo de Hades foi mais fácil vencer Mu, Aioria e Miro, porque se não fosse isso, ele teria morrido ali mesmo. O fato é que Radamanthys é muito subestimado, pensam que ele é fraco e esquecem que ele é um Juiz do Inferno.

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special Vday for
Pandora x Radamanthys and Helena x Deathmask from Saint Seiya universe.

Thank you so much for commissioning me!
DO NOT REPOST, unless you are
Thank you! 🙏

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Radamanthys de wyvern el tercer juez del infierno

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A little panel about Radamanthys and my fancharacter Malice

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