Dutier is looking some bad mofo... he thinks he can defeat it with a candle I guess.... maybe I give him an weapon

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I paint bespoke pet portraits. Message me for info...

1 1

Jodorowsky's Dune - Uncovered. Coming soon to DuneInfo...

12 18

¿Querían una expo de ? ¡Pues la tendrán! Muy pronto más info...

4 2

Check out this commission of the handsome . It's not too late to get your own commission as a gift fo...

0 1

You gotta love the SpinTails !!
Checkout http://t.co/wgIlW9gbXI for more info...

1 0

¡Yo soy una Principita! ¿Y vosotros? ¿Un mago, una bruja, un tributo, un niño perdido, un hobbit, un elfo...?

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Next week ROLF HARRIS WILDLIFE COLLECTION will be available from call 01636 646426 for more info.....

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Psh! Football..aru.. I better like Football-karate http://t.co/zLX99tkb

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NEW FROGS from Frogman... very lmited edition only 8 of each in the UK... Call now for more info...01202 297 682

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