It was during the quarantine months that Vivian made a startling discovery that the pug was her brother and her brother was the pug.

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You would also have the option of ordering this talented kitty as well! Heck, you could purchase BOTH cats! (Spread the word... tell your friends!)

10 39

His cat, Meeks, had somehow gotten inside the television and now Dave’s cable package was completely ruined.

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“Dude, I’m pretty much over doing circles. Let’s chill in a dead tree and look ominous and stuff.”

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He had so many personal projects that he just couldn’t find time for.

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He really wasn’t wise at all, in fact he hardly ever knew what he was talking about. He’d been giving the animals of the forest lousy advice for years now.

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They had found a totally shell-less beach.

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Both their parents disapproved at first.

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It had been like any other Sunday up until that moment.

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They enjoyed quiet evenings together watching cooking shows.

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You could practically hear the Star Trek fight music playing in the background.

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