画質 高画質

Il mare e la vita hanno molto in comune. Rilassati. Lasciati andare. Abbi fiducia nel fatto che resterai a galla, e ci starai. Se invece opponi resistenza, pensando che finirai sul fondo , ci andrai davvero. La scelta spetta solo a te.
M Grad

Angie Sinclair

2 3

Artblocked as heck, trying to break it with mermaids again. Thought what fish would Fai be and in the end chose a thalassan race for her since I needed to design a female specimen because... dimorphism.
Braless exists too but this acc is sfw.

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Sougen No Ko Tenguri rewatch
A nyárra betervezett Ghibli maratonnal lassan már közelítek a tényleges stúdióhoz, ez a kisfilm 1977-ben készült Tezuka ötlete alapján sok későbbi Ghiblissel (Miyazaki a layoutot csinálta), szóval nem semmi kollab ez a nagyon aranyos kis történet:D

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© Noëlle Lassailly

9 43

No one.
Absolutely No one.
Me: "I'm doing Lassal D1 Runs for those that need him this week."
Because the server stops getting spammed with invites for awhile and I get bored.

1 2

albedo lookin' really sunkissed in chapter 2 of Thalassa! this was a collab with lovely !!💖✨ (https://t.co/y7uZEnbk5W)

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Avui a | Today in

El carrer més fotogènic. 3 dibuixos, 3 punts de vista diferents, en 3 anys diferents.

The most photogenic street. 3 sketches, in 3 different years, in 3 different points of view.

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10 44

"He had killed the beast, with his cunning, and a slow arrow that the beast never noticed."

12 54