Do your important family archives contain newspapers and clippings? Our collection care team has put together some handy tips to help you protect your cherished documents.

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“These magazines...helped the blacks to think if you were big and this is the precondition, because then they could really be great…Those who thought these newspapers told us: this is what some of us do, so many others can do it.”

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Hi, I'm Doug! I draw a comic strip called "Unbound." It's about a bunch of animals in a library. It runs in a handful of smalltown newspapers.

I also drink a lot of coffee.

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Illustration Project with

I had the opportunity to create illustrations for campaign

Be able to download and read all newspapers and magazines anywhere in the world using

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people have once again placed ads on a number of overseas newspapers to raise awareness of the ongoing movement. The action is a result of an earlier online crowdfunding campaign. Here are some of my favourite designs.

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TROUBLE IN SAIPAN. I can remember clear as day as a kid the front pages of all the newspapers the day after Roy Keane stormed home from Korea/Japan 2002 - every outlet had a huge picture of Keane walking his dog without a care in the world. He’s mad, Roy Keane, isn’t he?

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I oversalted the fries in Theme Park, caused accidents in Indianapolis 500, or thrown newspapers at passers-by or in windows in Paperboy. What fun! 😬

What atypical (fun) things did you do in video games that weren't the object of the game?


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I am Francois Maumont. My work appears in newspapers and magazines. I also work for SquareEnix as a narrative designer.

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Cartoonists are disappearing from media worldwide. Read the story of Canadian cartoonist , who was fired by a number of Canadian newspapers after his controversial cartoons of President Trump went viral:

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Cartoonist Michael de Adder​ was let go from his job drawing editorial cartoons for all major New Brunswick newspapers 24 hours after his Donald Trump cartoon went viral on social media. Another scary and shortsighted decision:

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ICYMI—Canadian cartoonist gets dropped by all the newspapers in New Brunswick, including his hometown rag . This, the day after one of his cartoons on goes viral. Heck of a job, guys!

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Or, as our dear Jack Rackham would say:

*Note: Replace "newspapers" with "phones" ☠️

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A piece of charcoal in my pocket wherever I go. Look out for me creating & giving away my free graffiti on newspapers today. Refocusing my & into creative for proud to be an ambassador for

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Will Nines be ever content?
Will his face stay like that?
What upset him this time?

2nd part is already on Patreon! Wheeeeee! *throwing newspapers all around*

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I'm Doug. I draw a comic strip about a bunch of animals in a library. It's called "Unbound" and runs in a couple local, small town newspapers.

💻 My website:

☕ My Ko-fi:

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I'm Doug. I draw a comic strip about animals at a library. It's called "Unbound" and runs in a couple local, small town newspapers.

💻 My website:

☕ My Ko-fi:

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My favorite pastime is drawing on magazines and newspapers with sharpie to mess with the I do it to stock photos!

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May 27, 1889: American artist and illustrator Cyrus Leroy Baldridge is born.

Baldridge was a frontline artist during World War I. He worked for several newspapers reporting on life in the trenches. He also traveled the world, illustrating different cultures and lifestyles. 🎨

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Beijing Evening News posted Luhan's "Nature" MV on weibo!!
PIVOT finance (economic journal) posted Luhan's "Nature" MV on weibo
...who else gets support for an MV from one of the world’s top hundred daily newspapers and financial magazine?!!👑

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