Wetenschappers geven 'laatste waarschuwing' over klimaatcrisis: handel nu of het is te laat Volgens het IPCC-rapport kan alleen snelle en drastische actie onherroepelijke schade aan de wereld voorkomen.


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Spring is here!
I am here~
Let's do our best again tomorrow!!

Have a nice weekend!!
thanks 🙂

' It is spring again. The earth is like a child that
know poems.' - Rainer Maria

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BOM 9.23 大田区総合体育館:朝陽・P.K.センチャイムエタイジム、タイ人選手とIPCC世界フェザー級王者決定戦。7月ドローのMIKE JOEと喜多村誠が再戦 https://t.co/1IrCdiv59M

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아니 그보다 이 예장 스토리가 뭔데 대학원 졸업하고 IPCC에서 일하다가 주화입마 온 키두니?

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new use warming levels insted of emissions. Using warming levels instead of emissions we get rid of uncertainty related to climate sensitivity. note there is already difference in biodiversity and likelihood of droughts in Scandinavia between 1.5 and 2C GWL

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The IPCC's latest report is damning: time is running out for Cartoonist sums-up the AUS Govt's response: inaction.

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Martin Rowson on the IPCC’s bleak report on the planet’s future - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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"Any further delay in concerted global action will miss a brief and rapidly closing window to secure a liveable future."

The released its latest today and it is the starkest warning yet for our planet 🌍🚨

Read ➡️ https://t.co/h2oPyFk8Pz

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