Simple and cartoony designs with an angular geometric style have always appealed to me, you could do pretty much anything with a cartoony style, you dont need perfect anatomy and you can always make funky poses and just do whatever you want with it

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Cover for Anna O'Brien: Ghost Days, the opening salvo to a long-threatened collab with ! Asher's collection of stories abt a young witch traversing the folkloric landscape of Appalachia instantly appealed, super excited to see it emerge into the world this October!

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*net neutrality gets repealed*

Well this is a bad time for me to come back to twitter.

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Symbolist visual images conveyed ideas, emotions and moods far above the obvious and this appealed to those who wish to remove themselves from the materialism and boredom of everyday life, and seek a higher level of consciousness.

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Go at life with abandon; give it all you've got. And life will give all it has to you. Norman Vincent Peale.

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Got a few pangolins printed 🌟 They'll be on my etsy soon once they've dried, keep your eyes pealed! Each one is hand burnished so is unique!

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Foxes are amazing creatures, and even the idea of the fox hunting act being repealed brings me new levels of rage.…

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This appealed to me this morning. There is a lightness about it I like Diane Armstrong 'Swallows Return' Lovely.

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Allow me to introduce these amazing new Avatars of greatness courteous of the one and only

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Really enjoyed A beautifully animated film that also appealed to my love of origami / paper crafts.

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Sundra Peale from Nexus with a Hummingbird!

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"If you expect the best, you will be the best...."

~ Norman Vincent Peale MT

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Dreid myself breifly. Had Freinds for tea. Poet has lots but this appealed to my dyslexicness.

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Day Dreams (1837)

Rembrandt Peale


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I loved Cannon Fodder. Something about leaving a man dying in the sun really appealed to the 13-year-old me – SW

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What are your plans for half-term? We've got a superduper challenge heading your way keep your eyes pealed!

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