Forgot to post these, shame on me, Pico sticker style

100 639


29 220

Here are some refs i had got done earlier these past 3 (or so) days.
All of my au designs for these 3, i have more planned lolz


2 23

大概是Pico's school在槍擊事件之後帶點倖存者內疚(Survivor Guilt)之類的妄想?

70 610

親愛的夥伴們我終於畫啦!!!!🥰 雖然畫完還是不知道哪種型態好www

130 930

Hey there, this is my first time making digital art. I was making Pico and BF but BF isn't finished yet. This is how Pico looks in my art style (Chibi)

1 4

a mi hermana le gusta pico, así que la dibuje con su husbando xD

0 23