MONUMENTAL MINIATURES 2018 – On view at the Old Mill, San Marino

Image: Cliff Barnes, “Amazing Spider Rock in Canyon de Chelly,” Oil, 7” x 5”

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1- 0 ejerció de realizando paradas estratosféricas hasta que en el descuento y de penalti tiró el muro.#SanMamés

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RT _sanma1025: こいつキャミソールの上に軍服羽織ってミニスカでガーターベルトつけてんの?


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This Friday! I'm proud to be a part of the New Mexico Artisan Market and excited to show you what I've been doing for you.
As a Nuevo New Mexico transplant, I am super excited to be a part of such a rich blend of talent and culture.

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Caviar-Seaweed soup & Raindrop cake-Sanma Shinoyaki rate up actually happened on the same time? 😥😥😥

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Hi, my dear master attendants!
Breezy Snacks is coming tomorrow. 😊😊😊
Raindrop cake and Sanma Shinoyaki RATE UP! 👆👆👆
⏰⏰⏰ Event duration ⏰⏰⏰ 16/11/2018 - 30/11/2018

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La vita è rinchiusa negli attimi di
tenerezza che dedichiamo agli altri.
Attimi che spontaneamente si
avvalgono della facoltà di colmarsi
d'amore. Un amore incondizionato
che nulla vuole, ma che dà tutto se
R Frese


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