“Mucha gente duda en hacerse responsable de sus problemas porque piensan que es lo mismo que ser culpable de los mismos” En realidad la culpa es algo asociado al pasado, mientras que la responsabilidad actúa en el presente.

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We see stories are like Christmas stockings. Each one is full of presents and ideas waiting to be wrapped by visual thinking!

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e come conciliare la fallibilità dell'indagine scientifica con la sua solidità come metodo per indagare la realtà? e come comunicarla?


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Stories are delicious; they delight, inspire and inform. We like to think of our visual thinking as that ingredient that brings out the flavour; making them even more inspirational, consumable and meaningful.

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It’s Advent Calendar door 12! The thing which underpins & makes our films possible is the warm & collaborative atmosphere in our studio. It's the perfect environment for visual thinking & storytelling to flourish in

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Reflexión. ¡Quita el piloto automático!
¿Eres de los que vas en piloto automático? Se que no es una pregunta fácil de responder, y que por lo general tratamos de autoengaños con demasiada sencillez.

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Some ideas & concepts can be a tough nut to crack. Supported by the creative team, it's the job of our senior creatives to explain these ideas. We've helped a range of thinkers share their insights far & wide

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Some ideas & concepts can be a tough nut to crack. Supported by the creative team, it's the job of our senior creatives to explain these ideas. We've helped a range of thinkers share their insights far & wide

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Telling powerful stories takes carefully thought out recipes. We use these recipes to make our animations informative, engaging, entertaining and as visually delicious as this gingerbread house

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Telling powerful stories takes carefully thought out recipes. We use these recipes to make our animations informative, engaging, entertaining and as visually delicious as this gingerbread house

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dei contributi scritti di e , su della comunicazione della scienza e similitudini con il mondo dell'#arte. Per approfondire, qui c'è la pubblicazione da cui sono tratti: https://t.co/Z4qFH2WQYr

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Día 3:
Día 4: calavera, calabaza, caldero, bruja
“Todos necesitamos un poco de magia en nuestras vidas. ¿No os parece?

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Día 3: calavera, calabaza, caldero
La pócima de la felicidad, no es hacer lo que uno quiere, sino querer lo que uno hace.

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Día 2: calavera, calabaza
Sumando un elemento al día anterior. Se me ocurre realizar el dibujo del día añadiendo la nueva palabra del día al dibujo anterior.
“Truco o trato”

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Día 1: calavera.
“¿Miedo a la muerte? Uno debería temerle a la vida, no a la muerte.” Marlene Dietrich

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Day 10: Interface, pattern, cobweb, caught
“The innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower” Steve Jobs

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