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New Lumecluster post on creating despite overwhelming perfectionism http://t.co/QYCv0cWYKx

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To check out the 3D printing process for my "Death Skull" please visit https://t.co/0BLsFMMl48

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The most talked about jewellery! Stand out loud in Adore by

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of a vinegaroon for a friend's prop project. It's actually still 1:3 or 1:2 scale… http://t.co/JohSGu3xje

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Centaur 3D print kit by Ownage available for purchase http://t.co/Qx7xoKpEcV

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3D Printing Technology & Medical Science combine to create a great 3D Domain.

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Not bad for a week's modelling in free time, hopefully it'll look like it when printed.

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