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In case of Wendigo sighting. Specially for @CzBacklash and #TFSAtTheTable
#AnimeArt #animegirl #HiironoKakera #緋色の欠片 #HiironoKakera_TheTamayoriPrincessSaga Багровые осколки (Ария Розенбург) 😏
Made a Twitter account for the sole purpose of submitting some #TFSFanart Been loving #TFSAtTheTable since it started and wanted to share some of the doodles it inspired. Hope you enjoy! #TinyEloy #Teepling
Badge I whipped up for a certain blue woof that he can wear at confurgence this year @ThetaBetaRawr
Kichi will be getting one also~
FYI the tiny kichi was Theta's idea 🙃
Did a quick digital painting of Ziaka from #TFSAtTheTable #TFSFanart
these two are wildly different in tone but but they both have the theme of sheer fashion . lol #friendsatthetable
TFW you literally make a twitter account just to be a huge nerd
You guys are amazing!!! #TFSAtTheTable
Cutest small god. <3 @CzBacklash @Lanipator @MasterWuggles @hbi2k #TFSFanart #TFSAtTheTable
#TFSAtTheTable #TFSFanart Uff, after a week of work it's finished. Inspired by somthing Grant said in Ch02E01. (for those who'll get the reference: Yes, it was base on a poster from 'that' anime) Hope you like it.
theTAILORS(@the_tailors_TL )に二人目失礼します。
#TFSAtTheTable #TFSFanart Created twitter acount specially to sent this fanart. Hope you like it. More is on the way