Illustrations showing the process for surgical correction of transposition of the great arteries. Done for an article by Dr. Mohamed Sayyouh in the Journal of Thoracic Imaging, July 2018.

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Aneurisma cerebral: o que é, quais os sintomas e como tratar: Há duas formas de tratar o aneurisma cerebral: cirurgia aberta ou endovascular ( por dentro da arteria) . Na primeira, o objetivo é isolar o aneurisma para que, caso haja um rompimento, não…

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本日10/4は、『FORTUNE ARTERIAL』のヒロインで気配り上手の幼なじみ「悠木陽菜」の誕生日です。


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// body image , arteries and veins

experimental anatomy study with Frankensteins Monster

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The irish anatomist Richard Quain (1800-1887) was the author of a superbly illustrated work, "The of the Arteries of the Human (London, 1844), deduced from observations made on 1040 subjects.

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August turns 20 years old today

The brand is known for Aiyoku no Eustia, but also developed:

• Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni
• Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na
• Fortune Arterial
• Daitoshokan no Hitsujikai

All these titles received TV anime adaptations.

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👋Font pairing of the week:
1. Le Monde Livre Classic / Le Monde Sans
2. Arteria Compress / Mencken Text
3. Ambroise / Ysans
4. AW Conqueror Inline / Le Monde Courrier
❓Which one is your fav?

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本日9/20は、『FORTUNE ARTERIAL』の主人公のクラスメイト、通称「へーじ」こと「八幡平司(はちまんだいら・つかさ)」の誕生日です。


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MAV – Malformação arteriovenosa cerebral: A malformação arteriovenosa (MAV) é uma doença congênita caracterizada por um complexo emaranhado de artérias e veias. As MAVs são comumente diagnosticadas…

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my cat just chased a bigass winged roach under my bedroom door and the sheer terror of scrambling to kill it before it hid under something felt like a shot of caffeine and tabasco right to the arteries. my armpits are spicy

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Bartering at the farmers market

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We are living in an arterial world
And I am an arterial girl!

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"“Ma-ma dove sono?”
Arteria realizzò di non essere nella sua stanza.
Guardando di fronte a lei provò disgusto e terrore:
C’erano esseri che strisciavano, dondolavano,

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This is my PNG but I think it is unfair if you do not receive anything. In the Dielands, bartering is a big deal. So, here's a speed MS Paint drawing of you! My masterpiece

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