Portrait Commission for @/TheWhitishFox

I had fun revisiting canine/feline skull anatomy
also, this outs me as used to being a furry artist yw

4 15

hello im Rei! Im just new here on art twitter. Im a digi colorist artist. im looking for moots here are my most recent works, please lets be moots,
RETWEETS are appreciated~ 🫶🏻

56 288

Ai lov u..💘🦇🦩

Close up vers on thread

17 30

pov gay people looking at eachother

3 15

I was supposed to post on razor's birthday last week, but then I got busy with school and then I forgor 💀

11 36

Don't know if I'm too late for But i'm joing in anw ~
I'm KAIA and I love Fantasy art. Especially Jrr Tolkien stuff. Here are some of my artwork
May the algorithm god be merciful with us Lmao
Namárie ♥️

17 41

How you love someone, always be there to comfort you ^^
How you have many times you've broke their always be there fix holes each other <33

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