Les chances d'obtenir Gegonago(S/Z) Amazora (B/Z) et Myne sont augmentées jusqu'au 17/06 dans le Pacte de Vérité !

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Finished the Azora sticker for the kickstarter!

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Como todos queremos que Game of Thrones acabe, mas não vai.

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Finished coloring that page in record time! Here's the angry Azora from earlier.

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© Art Azorart, char © LunaShadowsWolf

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Avec la nouvelle MAJ 3.3.0, vous pouvez recoder Amazora et Jaguna, et obtenir un Compagnon augmentant vos pièces !

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Azora in her first appearance vs. her most recent appearance.

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Merci a AzorArt vraiment boum au coeir

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Amazora is a female warrior who deftly wields a sword in each hand.

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