stay safe my peeps 🙆🏻‍♀️

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Here's 5 ways you can fight & become a super preventer 💪🏽

Please share this video and keep up to date with the official advice

1947 1859

Need a give your mind a break from all the news and updates? Pop into for 10 mins. Even if you don't want to draw, just looking at the games is GUARANTEED to raise a smile. It's free & suitable for all to play!

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We aĺl need to stop for a moment, gather our thoughts & think about how we can help each other, particularly the elderly & vulnerable so, "If you get the balance right, anything is possible"

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I have high hopes for day 2 of homeschooling...

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ฮัลโหลครับเพื่อนๆ วันนี้พี่โก๋มีความรู้เกี่ยวกับการดูแล และป้องกันตนเองที่ถูกต้อง
เพื่อให้ปลอดภัยจาก COVID-19 มาฝาก (ต่อ)

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Hello and have a great day! I just want you to know that every people should always wear a mask especially when you are going outside to buy grocery items.

I love y'all 🥰

In collaboration with

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Galleries closed due to but the Art must go on!

Many openings are now unable to proceed, so in order to promote that these exhibitions ARE STILL HAPPENING online or by appointment only we will update you regularly here >

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Three droplets of snot in the air,has put us to care for the elderly, to value science above the economy,has told us that not only the homeless bring pests,that our pyramid of values ​​was inverted, that life always came first & that the other things were accessories.

60 373

Stay at home! This is not a vacation. don't take quarantine lightly

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Recuerden que NO son vacaciones, no salgan a pasear, no vayan al mall, no salgan con los niños a jugar 😤

Y laven sus manos por favor (cosa que tienen que hacer todo el año)

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Sketch. Heaping hell upon hell, detainees in ‘s torture prisons, are especially vulnerable to via

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