Thousands dying because of his denial, but no: everyone else is to blame. The It-was-them virus.

44 69

Let me get this straight: first the was the media’s fault, then it was the Democrats fault, then it was the governor’s fault, then it was Obama’s fault, and now it’s fault?

136 241

The "DemocratsAreDestroyingAmerica" Russian Military Intelligence Disinformation Campaign began this morning at exactly 10:15 AM (Moscow time).

I blocked about 100 new trolls today. Like a young fake Hispanic with a Trump tattoo.

47 46

So, this "hoax" perpetrated by the media & Democrats is no longer a hoax? And NOW you want unity? And NOW you care about human lives? And NOT just your wallet & re-election?

Yeah, calling BULLSHIT.

116 490


147 1534

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

4 6

Sonic Says:
Caring about the state of your country and fellow man is Way Past Cool,
Register to VOTE,
And for Democrats to stop taking the L.

15 22

Well when all you got as candidates on the democrats are Demented Biden and Red Bernie, no wonder people people don't vote democrats. It's why I'd vote for Trump, at least he gives a shit about making the country better.
It's better than Australia at least. I live in aus.....

0 0

Check out my new toon on Democrats and for . Be sure to click the link and subscribe for free to support hard-hitting editorial cartooning!

4 8

Entrenched Democrats are much more interested in stopping Bernie than they are in beating Trump, which is why they are comfortable coalescing around someone they know will lose in order to deny poor people a better standard of living

280 1403

Let’s be perfectly honest, Bloomberg never stood for any of craziness the Democrats are spouting. He just wants to buy the election & hand it off to a puppet.

0 1

❤️ (today is the last day to register to vote in the california primary! sign up here: (and register as democrats so you can vote for bernie ;-)

69 629