Artist Monte Michael Moore

These are sketch covers done by Monte traveling the world to conventions & art shows.
Monte has a unique crazy cool artist hand that effortless beauty flows from ~

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The surprise win of '#SleepyJoe' on is a wake-up call for

3 1

reciente: la errada previsión sobre el de empareja bien con el recordatorio de de otra famosa pifia del


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[A WEEK IN THE WORLD] 📺 , president of Cartooning for Peace, is tonight at 7:10 pm on to present cartoons on the the European and in Ivory Coast. Cartoons by (Netherlands) & Danziger (USA)

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El en 4 viñetas: el 'antes de' por RJ Matson, el durante por y el 'después de' por y Côté

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The polls are now open until 10:00pm PT!

If you are in line when your polling station closes,

DO NOT let anyone turn you away. They legally have to let you vote!

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