Introducing the second item I made for my homebrew campaign, the armband called Bone Clasp. It gives the wearer fire resistance and also the sense of dread as the fingers on the band always seem to be moving

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Druid: Where did ya'll go last night?

Cleric: I have no idea, but my head hurts and I guess I have a new tattoo. Do you happen to read Abyssal?

Druid: Yeah, it say "Best Friends Forever: Cleric x Grazzt". Seems like you had fun!

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"The path to Lichdom is dangerous. This locket is only a failed phylactery, but still maintains its ability to use life as a resource. Tread carefully, using this will only end in tragedy."
- Archmage Liden, Head of Artifice at the Solare Lyceum

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Druid: Are you sure it's safe for me to Call Lightning on you?

Rogue: Yeah, it wont hurt too bad, I just need to recharge my glove.

Cleric: That seems like a dangerous way to store spells, but let me grab snacks, I want to watch you get struck by lightning!

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Sorcerer: Hear me out - We put one in a volcano and carry the other around with us. If we ever get into a rough spot, just open it up and everything dies!

Paladin: We've already agreed, no more lava stuff. It went really poorly last time we tried to use it.

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Tower Mimic is finished! That means all 16 sticker designs are now complete. Anxiously awaiting my sample prints
I've got a few ideas for alternate forms for this guy, that I'll get sketched up for the Mimic Compendium :D

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All linework & flat colour done :D
Looking forward to shading this baby tomorrow

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Filling in all the lovely fun details on the Tower I think I'm going to make a map for it too....

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Cleric: Isn't ripping a hole in the planes a lot of damage for a grappling hook? There might be side-effects, right?

Rogue: Dunno, but unless you have another way in this window, I'm going to deal whatever extra-planer damage I need to do to get in there.

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Rogue: No, I get it, its a new and fancy now, but can you please aim away from where I am? The light messed up my sneaking.

Ranger: I never know where you are in a fight.

Rogue: Good point. I guess I am too damn good at my job. Please continue then!

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Druid: Ugh, why does it feel like I just got Blight'd?

Barbarian: Ow... I just told that beetle thing to say hi to you and it blew up on us.

Wizard: This is why I always tell you to wait until I prep Identify before messing with stuff! Also, can be healed?

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Wizard: Why is your go to plan always to jump out of a window?

Rogue: Has is ever not worked? It means I always have a plan!

Barbarian: She has a point, she does collected things that assist in her window-jumping ways.

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Rogue: No, but seriously, I need to cast this fireball before we head out.

Druid: We're in a city, don't fireball again!

Rogue: I can't counterspell this mage we are hunting unless the glove is empty.

Cleric: We are going to get arrested again aren't we?

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Rogue: So can you fix a broken leg or not?

Cleric: Yeah, but I gotta know, what's the point of landing on your feet if you still take fall damage?

Rogue: I don't know, it just happens and its cool like 90% of the time!

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Fighter: This weapon feels gross, like hitting someone with a spine.

Wizard: It's a magic weapon, just because it was built around a spine doesn't mean it still is one! Wearing leather isn't the same as wearing skin, right?

Fighter: You aren't helping...

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Bard: Anyway, here's Wonderwall!

Cleric: Saying that every time doesn't make it funny! Just block the hallway already or I'll feed you to the yuan-ti myself!

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Just want to say thanks to everyone sharing the KS tweet around. Here's another homebrew mimic for ya!
Last one though; I need to save some stuff for the paid version 😅

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Map I've been fiddling with the past few weeks. Next location for my homebrew game. Fort Corvus. A heist will most likely ensue, a creepy man works in the Rookery and a Tiefling sells unique poisons to those interested.

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