The four mutant princess sisters: Banchje (the einherjar/angel), Boatiqva (the grapple claws), Trescheru (earth mage with a gun), and Chandaelje (fencer).

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Curse of Strahd

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2020/10/17 # にじそうさく04にて頒布した「DAITAI MESCHER'S NO HON」の一部です。こっそりWeb再録…😉

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Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898-1972) - Sun and Moon, 1948

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Bon dia
Rind, 1955
M C Escher

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Wednesday 27th April - The Round Tower from Piranesi's 'Carceri d'Invenzione' (Imaginary Prisons), a series of 16 prints depicting hellish subterranean vaults and machinery, and which were a major influence on artists and writers such as M.C. Escher and Edgar Allan Poe.

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Little Frank and his noodley ghost shadow, Escherian

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The audiobook for Escherian Core will be available for pre-order in May. Alyssa Poon, who killed it on Master of Thieves, is back for this one as well, joining Trevor Jordan. Can't wait to hear it!

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Fun fact:

Tigra can bend her spine any way she wants. She can put herself in escher girl poses.

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The whole set :'DD What dnd party but like brides and escher? YKNOW? LIKE WHAT IF THEY ADVENTURED TOGETHER.

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A wild interpretation of Escher's graphic style

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