Five Madagascan Monsters for

1. The Songomby
What do you know about this beaut of a man eating beast from Madagascar? It is said to be practically invincible but the hero Imbahitrila defeated one with two magical eggs from the angavola bird.

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Cerberus: in ancient Greek mythology, the hound of Hades. Often depicted with three heads, he is the guardian of the gates to the Underworld, preventing the dead from leaving.

🖼 Cerberus, by William Blake

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The Linworm slithers despite its limbs, using these instead for traction and for grabbing things. It haunts Scandinavia, Sweden in particular, and has spread as a heraldric motif from there, where it originated from runestones.

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Aegipan was a fish-tailed goat, sometimes identified with the god Pan. During the war with the Titans, Aegipan helped Zeus recover his sinews from Typhoeus. In some versions, Zeus set him among the stars as Capricorn.

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"Abase thee and serve me, worm of the pit. Else will I by and by summon out of ancient night intelligences and dominations far mightier than thou... and drag thee from torment to torment through the deep."

The Worm Ouroboros | E.R. Eddison

🖼️Anato Finnstark

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Dragon's nature has been described as dual. Both medicine & poison, loyal & deceitful. This reflects, says Martin Shaw, human nature. Do we store personal treasures & gifts in our dark caves, or do we distribute them around the world? Are we a hoarder or a gifter?#FaustianFriday

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Draugen is a huge, seaweed covered monster in Norwegian folklore, that was thought to be the ghost of a drowned fisherman. Draugen often appeared during storms, trying to drag the fishermen under water and drown them.

“The Sea Monster”
Theodor Kittelsen (1881)

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"My love for you is a prayer, she thought. Love is the only prayer I know." 🖤 Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Mists of Avalon

🎨 The Crystal Ball by John William Waterhouse.

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The Ethiopian Crocotta/ Leucrotta is a hybridized were-animal that can mimic human voices to lure their prey. If the creature looks at you three times then it will root you to the spot.

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Book ghosts haunting the library

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The waters around Hopeless Maine are cursed with monstrous sealife, angry tides and dramatic rocks, which tend to prove fatal.

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We visit 's extremely haunted attic for (I expect it's cursed as well, and a bit messy)

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"My father, my father, he seizes me fast,
Full sorely the Erl-King has hurt me at last."—Goethe

The Erlkonig by Schubert

🎨Ludwig Ferdinand Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Moritz von Schwind, Albert Sterner via

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In Britain, the distinction between fairies and ghosts is ambiguous. When King Arthur stole a cauldron from Fairyland, he also confronted the ghosts of Welsh folk heroes. Likewise, sometimes a fairy king leads the Wild Hunt, but other times it's Arthur's ghost.

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Ghost said to priest:
'In life, love gnawed my skin
To this white bone;
What love did then, love does now:
Gnaws me through.'

-Sylvia Plath-

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Stumbled upon the Pirates with their links with the Templars.

Edward Blackbeard Teach who got his nickname from having a thick black beard & his fearsome appearance.

He apparently tied lit fuses under his hat to intimidate his enemies even more

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On a grim prison hulk on the Thames the beautiful song of a unseen nightingale was a herald of a death, sometimes one of release, sometimes one of violent revenge...
from Wonder tales of the Thames and Estuary by R Hallmann.

Art self for the same book

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"All night I heard along the coast
The sea her grief outpour;
And with the dawn arose a ghost
To haunt the furrowed shore.

And when from out the gray mist rolled
The sun above the town,
A shipwrecked sailor came and told
Of how the ship went down." F.D. Sherman 🖤#FaustianFriday

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”The hero observed that swamp-thing from hell,
the tarn-hag in all her terrible strength,
then heaved his war-sword and swung his arm:
the decorated blade came down ringing
and singing on her head.”
—Seamus Heaney’s translation of Beowulf 🖼 J. R. Skelton

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