Stumbled upon the Pirates with their links with the Templars.

Edward Blackbeard Teach who got his nickname from having a thick black beard & his fearsome appearance.

He apparently tied lit fuses under his hat to intimidate his enemies even more

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The Stoor Worm was a gigantic sea serpent in Orcadian mythology, capable of destroying ships, houses, and humans with it's putrid breath.
In folklore a worm is generally a dragon without legs or wings, generally inhabiting water

🎨 Bo Myles

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"... like another cursed Jonah..." ("Moby Dick")

A bringer o' bad luck on board a ship be called a Jonah 'n thrown into the sea, like the sailors o' Joppa did wit' the prophet on thar way t' Tarshish

🖼️ print after Rubens, 1755

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Yer weekly wunderkammer safety advice - edition

If ye see red sails East o' the Good 'ope, shipmates, beware! Arrgh! It be the Flyin' Dutchman! Yer doom be ascertained!

Thank ye. Spit thrice, touch cold iron an' be safe.

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