Day 22: Snarl
Character(s): Arnold

What's better than a snarling werewolf?
A snarling NAKED werewolf ouo
Sometimes hairless snarls can be better, sue me.

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Day 21: Summer
Character(s): Edwin

Edwin unfortunately has some of the thickest hair/fur of the Pack Nest so he suffers.
Alot. 😂
And thus, he melted into the rock.

(Along with a bowl of cold water Billie left with a little note because she cares~)

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Day 20: Playing/Active
Character(s): Hunter, Matteo

Just two best friends beating the absolute shit out of eachother! :D

Full description:

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Day 19: Scream
Character(s): Mica

Because sometimes talking just doesn't cut it.

//Full description:

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17, 18 and 19 - Light, Darkness and Bite

Trying my best to keep up with the prompts 🙏

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Did 16 today because I want to combine prompts for tomorrow, the prompt yesterday was Skin

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Day 17: Glow
Character(s): CODE-0

No lore bits, just a big glowy boy today~

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Day 15: Blood Moon
Character(s): Mica

Mica tends to isolate herself during a rare event called 'blood moon', avoiding outside if at all possible-

But sometimes, she breaks out.

Full description(since Patreon is down for now :'D)-

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🐾 Julycanthropy Chloe 🐾

An adorable werewolf Chloe that sheds literally everywhere. I never draw werewolves so...go easy on me!! lool🌕

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day 15 - changes
Just a quick one for this piece.
This is nothing like his transformations, I just wanted to have a go at a slightly different style for him. I don't like it as much as one of his usual ones :(

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Julycanthropy Day 14: Mate
Character(s): Matteo, Ellis

Ok honestly I just needed an excuse to draw these two gay idiots 💙

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Day 13: Hybrid
Character(s): Calypso, Elias, Talon

They are living proof that the two species can, in fact, coexist, no matter what older creatures might say.

Full description:

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Day 12: Transformation Gone Wrong
Character(s): Calypso

With every good transformation, there is a bad one- and sometimes you can't recover.

Full description:

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Happy Check out the changing look of the Dungeons & Dragons from various Monstrous Manuals over the years, starting in 1977!

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Julycanthropy Day 11: Spring
Character(s): Leonard (and a random jackalope)

Spring is an exciting time of high energy and rejuvenation!
Unless you're Leonard, of course.
For Leonard, Spring means warm days and comfy resting spots where the sun shines.

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day 13 - family ties.
Nanisca and Saden side by side, to show how different they are. Saden gains a little muscle in her werehyena form. Nanisca remains slender-ish but with strong muscle definition.

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