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As you are reading this text, a courageous Iranian rapper, has been under severe torture in solitary confinement for more than 110 days.
Please mentionhis name in your concerts and social media.
Your support can save his life

80 86

Iranian rapper, who supported and protested against the IR crimes, has been kidnapped and arrested by for more than 110 days.
He has been under severe torture ever since and his life is in serious danger.
Be his voice.

94 96

The Zionist imperialism🇺🇸🇬🇧🇮🇱, by creating proxy wars, supporting the Salafist-Wahhabi terrorists and creating politics of division, want to bring the world into chaos and international war and get the most profit without spending their money and entering the war they themselves.

37 62

I seriously need to draw my boy Karako today
He's all over my Pinterest and I can't get enough of this lil terrorist jelly bean

0 0

C’est bon de rire, surtout en ce moment. Sapiens: un excellent spectacle de Josselin Dailly. Je le recommande.

30 66

very own says:

"Epic comic bro , very nice, love the aesthetic. I loved the story line of “conspiracy theorist”

1 8

For your consideration.

Best Writer-Daniel Kalban
Best Penciller-Gabriel Santos
Best Colorist-Daniel Erm
Best Letterer-Francisco Zamora
Best Cover Artist-Gabriel Santos
Best Single Issue-Knightwrath Issue 1
Best Hero

Thank you

5 11

Я хотіла присвятити цьому дню більше уваги, зробити щось, що відгукнулося б у серцях українців, які щодня борються за свою свободу і життя, але в мене не вистачило сил і часу, щоб підготувати щось особливе.

8 81

Imagine waking up and having to defend your country from a murdering horde of Russian prisoners with military weapons bent on stealing your land, your children, and your identity

W. T. F.

0 1

Рік війни.
Я пам'ятаю кожну секунду, кожне слово з цього моменту. Час згладжує травмуючі моменти, але я все ще можу відтворити це в пам'яті, як зараз.
Нижче буде тред світлин з минулого лютого.

24 150

always seems to fund/arm in their Weird, huh?

24 56

🎨 French painter and theorist, was 24 February 1619.

2 0

Professional comic book colorist who has credits including Marvel/DC/Image/IDW and a host of indies available to color your comic project. Inquires email: lewis.jasonr.com. Requests for spec or "test" pages will be ignored.

0 0

Heineken launched no less than 61 new products on the market last year after promising to stop investing there because of the war in
What say you?

Tag them, share this and make them uncomfortable

10074 19265

Colombia está en manos de terroristas, corruptos y marihuaneros

4 37

Peak unicorn~
Artwork is by pencils and athorist!

40 207

Tidewater Comicon 2023!

Tim Shinn is a freelance illustrator with over 25 years experience in the comic, film and advertising industries. Tim has worked for DC, IDW and MARVEL, primarily as a colorist for the legendary NEAL ADAMS.


0 2

"Dream car", according to AI. Didn't expect it will be so old-school in its taste, but I guess it makes sense for a digital system to be obsessed with analog.

2 5