While going around Dragonspine finding a scene, I found there are some particles floating near the top of Dragonspine.

Found it neat so I added it to my piece.

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「lightning bolt」「light particles」のコンビネーションでそれっぽいエフェクトが描画されてます。雷フレーズだけど、いろんなフレーズに引っ張られてエフェクトが変わるのが面白い。

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Catboo playing with the chat particles

119 1760

Okay, I have calmed down my particles from their violent vibrations for now by drawing puppets in autumn, with the outfits from that one fanart cause why not?

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terrarium, flower, hair ornament, hair flower, frills, frilled dress, frilled skirt, light particles
お洋服全部かわいい 左右対称になりがち

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they are so different

but in each of them my spiritual particles

6 26

Particle Illusionという無料で使えるエフェクト作成ツールを使ってみました。

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Dear Blender, the way your particle hair was a torture device for years kept the spice in our relationship! I'm almost sorry it got improved, and after this picture I'll certainly test it.

This picture is based on 's idea! Thank you!

9 45

he owns a particle accelerator and has the bubonic plague


53 420

My collection "Particles" is about small but huge sensations, maybe it is close to your heart?

✨0.17-0.2 $ETH

12 24

おまけ:cinematic lightingとParticlesの強調を調整して出力したもの

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Now this is a fun particle system I can play with

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3LOUC delivers complex ideas magically, so it's not only easy but fun! 🥳By merging Mandelbrot with the standard model of particle physics, 3LOUC visually 👀overlays the infinite complexity of fractals and the universe in its 315 mesmerizing NFTs.😎
Follow us on 👉

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Head-mounted particle beam turret. Whiplash guaranteed. Reinforced neck brace recommended.

8 57

Death Stranding AU painting where Sam became the Particle of God instead of Higgs

7 33