# no kissing carona virus tear heartbreaking social editorialillustration illustration doodle drawing art elizabethwarren2020 trump democraticdebate king handcuffs crown goingdown impeachtrump instagramartist watercolor ink farage newyorktimes censure censura trumptweets twitterbird emotionalsupportanimal impeachment 2020election donaldtrump presidenttrump trumpimpeachment ukraine twitterworld twitterrex spring missing green robin poo fun love peace coverup need facts remove ode fogofwar fog war selfdistruction wasted lives life heartache pinhocio boris politics ge2019 cartoon cartoonart cartoondrawing promarkers promarkerart brushmarkers winsorandnewton promarkersdrawing promarkery markerdrawing borisjonhson brexit comicbooks comics labour ukelection vote political jeremycorbyn corbyn bambos votethetoriesout votelabour cartoonoftheday sketch borisjohnson generalelection19 lieslieslies repost trumpmedicalexam walterreed emergency medicalscare operation fastfooddiet obesity obese yearlyexam annualphysical overeatersanonymous boardgames boardgame parody satire ronhauge 25thamendment procreate illustrationdaily politicalillustration government parliament conservatives conservative tory tories mogg jacobreesmogg grenfell lbc politicalmemes politicalart spectator newstatesman donaldjtrump support potus maga nonpartisan yourcounterpoint republicans gop democrats newcounterpoint editorialcartoon rudygiuliani giuliani muellerhearings muellerreport mueller trump2020 drawing4democracy

Couple of recent I posted to my Instagram - putting them here if you don’t want to click them links!

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Una viñeta que dibuje para una exposición sobre la retirada de viñetistas en el que al final no salio.

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from 8/1/2018. You just know there’s one oft-repeated phrase in certain circles: “Please, Rudy, for the love of God, stop talking!”

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