would anyone be interested if I opened comms of little spelunky styled sprites like this????

1 22

Worked on this Spelunky styled icon commission for the streamer https://t.co/KVHupmdb5X! Was a cool change of pace from my usual stuff and makes me want to try more Spelunky chars 👀

0 1

I've gotten really into twitch lately as a way of keeping company whilst I'm working at home. Here's a lil doodle I did whilst listening to playing Spelunky 2 :')

1 57

The switch is finally a good console.

1 7

so cool to see and on switch! :)

10 39

Playing Spelunky 2 and wow can't believe they added my first online persona in there

0 7

is it a big nose or a skull face

0 0

I did it! Only got paste and Vlad's cape. Never even got the Kilin before.

0 1

what is evergreen looking at

(EVERGREEN is still in spelunky i cant get em out!!!)

1 17

Cerberus a Spelunky 2 x Hades crossover - Montyberus

2 15

i dont think i will ever fully cope with the idea that the pilot does the carameldansen when he gets a caffeine rush from drinking boba

10 85

I put evergreen into spelunky 2 (lazily, sorry ana spelunky)

1 15

Really wishing mossmouth releases merch of Spelunky 2. I want a pilot plushie keychain too

Commision art for , thank u so much

5 38

I never played Spelunky (or Spelunky 2 for that matter) but I really like this folk.

2 8