Lachlan and Unikitty: Guns?!

Twilight: You heard me.

Rainbow Dash: Y’AARR!! *draws her pirate pistol* YOU’LL NEVER GET OUR TREASURE, CAPTAIN GILDA!!

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Lachlan: I’ll hide the gold doubloons under the tables, I’ll hide the brooches in the fridges, and I’ll hide the chocolate bunny in my tummy!

Angel: Wait, I’m not a chocolate- *CHOMP!*

Unikitty: Arr! Is the treasure safe, first mate dingo?

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Rarity: Oh dear oh dear, not Nega Lachlan!!

Pinkie Pie: Nega Lachlan?! Where?!

Applejack: *shudder* Nega Lachlan gives me the creeps!

Unikitty: ...Who?

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*he shows her a picture*

Unikitty: Ohh... you look so nervously happy with her!

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Kado: Do you think he’s found it?

Unikitty: *gasps at the thought of it*

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Kado: Those two friends of yours from earlier? They’re coming to find us.

Unikitty: *gulps, realising they must’ve discovered her pillow decoy*

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Unikitty: Okay, well one time... *a slideshow plays* friends and I turned our couch into a ship to fight space pirates, another time, my little brother and I saved the coin people from evil wishing wells, and another time, I was a news cat on TV...

*3 hours later*

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Unikitty: Those poor little wisps..!

Lachlan: Um... guys? W-Where’s Yacker?

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Unikitty: In my art style too! Wait, anime? Don’t anime characters swear?

Raven: Lachie doesn’t, but I thought he did when I first met him.


Raven: *in a bad mood* Out of the way, chocolate mop hair! *smacks him down*


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Smolder: Yeah, it was about 2 in the morning and-

Unikitty: Like I said; EMPTY!!

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Gallus: Professor Lachlan is right, lots of students were interested in coming to this school-

Unikitty: NU-UH!! I went outside to have a dance party last night and the courtyard was empty Gallus! EMPTY!!

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Kado: I think I have a radar that can help us find-

*they hear rapid footsteps*

Unikitty: *gasp* They’re coming back! Kado, quick, hide again!

*this time, he hides in her bed*

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Unikitty: *holding Kado behind him and opens her bedroom door* Oh, morning Doc!

Dr Fox: *chuckle* I was wondering when you’d answer the door. *sees the stack of empty pizza boxes* And gee, you still have a bit of pizza gut!

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Lachlan: But if they are, I’ll use my sniffer to find and eat them up!!

Unikitty: *gasp!*

Rainbow Dash: Heh, he even thinks about food when trying to be intimidating!

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Unikitty: The red dingo in this photo... he wrote something on it.

Lachlan *narrative*: “You just have to be true to yourself! Both Discord and Master Frown knew the secrets of both groups of gems... it’s why our worlds didn’t completely fall apart when the gems were together...

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Unikitty: Hi little bro! *she kisses him as she hugs him, he then lets go and started frantically asking her if she is okay and what happened with her*

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Unikitty: *looks at her crusaders cape and cutie mark* Especially... every one of you... *the crusaders, mane six and Lachlan appear in a few flashback images*

*Unikitty can see the other side of the vortex and her kingdom approaching, she’s almost back home!*

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Unikitty: *she lets go of Lachlan, walks over to the vortex and turns around to wave goodbye to Equestria and her new friends for the very last time*

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Lachlan: *sad whimper* ...We’re really sorry all this happened to you...

Unikitty: Don’t be sorry... *sniff* ...if this hadn’t have happened, I wouldn’t have made such amazing friends like all of you.

*she tries to be more positive so she can see everyone smile one last time*

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