Say hello to Evan! Animal loving farm boy! My attempt at a Strangersona ;w;

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I wanted to make Olivia's little brother Doug who very protective of his big air head sister. The little one with him is MiMi a stray he saved from teens attacking her, He lost one of teeth cause of it.

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I wanted to make Olivia's little brother Doug who very protective of his big air head sister. The little one with him is MiMi a stray he saved from teens attacking her, He lost one of teeth cause of it.

0 8

I try I’m not good at drawing buff males or males Jen room I’m good at tits my dude.. ima sleep now ✌🏽

20 492

She's here! YBsona for a dance AU I'm still developing (gonna be a bit slow with this coz work is insanity rn)

1 15

I’m really loving Sib a lot kinda wanna give them a single dye stripe

2 46

I wanted to draw Neko and DJ belonging to interacting with eachother! He makes me feel safe lol 💕

8 63

(was gonna use these for an ask, lost steam)
DJ interrupts at the diner

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I've been simping over DJ for sometime now and wanted to draw him with Olivia. Dj Belongs too Semisolidsins.

1 21

I've been simping over DJ for sometime now and wanted to draw him with Olivia. Dj Belongs too Semisolidsins.

1 15