my abandonment issues says otherwise

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Claremont connects this latter aspect directly to Scott’s abandonment, with Madelyne telling the Genegineer “I am what I am. What men like you have made me.” She then leaves him broken in Sinister’s costume, foreshadowing the truth we don’t yet know: Sinister made her. 7/12

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You CANNOT convince me that Kakyoin wouldn't have some sort of abandonment issues after being alone for 17 years 😭

Anyways, here's some part 4 jotakak bc why not? 🤪 Joot has to comfort him somehow 😤

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geli n jibralta - i too want to leave earth n meet an alien
greta - an entire bimbo if ive ever seen one, goals.
scarlemagne/hugo - i wanna be monkey n evil + abandonment again
label - she is going in my buff women collection.

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【秋M3宣伝】Silverize.様の新譜"Emotional Abandonment"のジャケットイラストを担当させて頂きました。
第一展示場 H-03にて頒布です。どうぞよろしくお願い致します!

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Fear of abandonment. Like the feeling of drowning. Being in a limbo. Unmoving under a body of water. Crushed by the weight of empty pressure. Not knowing where is up and where is down. The antithesis of a warm hug. Of a simple hello

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me vs top three characters I got

ok comic relief who compensates their low self-esteem and abandonment issues by being narcissistic, sarcastic and impulsive

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aimed at cute play ☺️ then boom abandonment issues 😢

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S’gorlath. A Morningstar priest working towards freeing his master from a prison of divine crystal. Not happy with this one hence my obvious abandonment

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"They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets."
- Mario Balotelli
Day 8 of is "Abandoned" because Claude is the only lord where you can recruit away all his classmates, even his "retainer" (ˊ̥̥̥̥̥ ³ ˋ̥̥̥̥̥)

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Tarsus finally opened up to his gf Qurmilah about his abandonment issues (after he tried to lie about it and she rolled a nat 20 insight check on him!) and she was very sweet and encouraging 🥺

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jan vs sept

went from newly not-single dumbass on a travel and friend hangout spree, through the abandonment of all senior traditions, to new job with a kinda-brutal commute

also I could go for a haircut again

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thinking about how both ilpyo and hojosa’s story is that of abandonment

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Norman's family before their mom's death and dads abandonment. Their dad Kane worked for Rubin collin and was one if his buddies until Frank took the kids in to raise as his own. Normans old name was Lanecroft
Kane killed his wife Olivia by Rubins orders.

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this scene truly made me realize that akito just might be the most cursed of them all and that is so chilling. she lives in constant fear of abandonment because her entire life is based on these bonds. imagine the pain she felt when kureno broke his curse ... I am: broken

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Fanart of MV
Complete Abandonment Announcement

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- no one really knows what happened to his left eye, not even him or Germaine who had already found him that way. He supposes it's better that way

- germaine may have become a mom but that doesn't exempt her from being bodyjacked in this au. Ollie has clear abandonment issues

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