Endorsi Jahad (Androssi Zahard) relaxing at the beach while Anaak judges her in the background.

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Androssi dont give a shit about hatsu
she only love Baam

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Androssi dont give a shit about hatsu
He stink like the shit
Androssi love only Baam

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Look here for Baam Androssi's life is the most important thing
Baam just wanted try to find a solution to save Androssi and obtain kaiser'name

Remeber during hide and seen Androssi get mad to him for his dream to make everyone happy

Androssi was haply Baam never change

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for Baam androssi's life is the most important thing

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Koon let Androssi take Baam since their date

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Androssi: guess what i am thinking now
Baam: i love you
Androssi: YES

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Disguting shit for Cucks

Androssi x Baam is canon

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Androssi dont seduce him and Baam wanted help her
read tog and dont create headcanon to force your ship

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reread tog Baam never love Koon instead he think that Androssi life is the most important thing
reread and stop with your headcanon

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Androssi is the heroine Rachel confirm that

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Androssi cleary love Baam and Baam love het
they are the hero and the heroine of the story

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she is asking him help with her style of princess

stop creating headcanon
you always hate Androssi and use this as weapon against her

for baam androssi's life is the most improtant thing

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Androssi love Baam
fuck off

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next time write hatsudrossi so i can insult you fucking cuck
Androssi dont give a shit about Hatsu
she only love Baam for eternity

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Birthday drawings! One is wholesome, the other is another timeline where I became andross

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fuck off their relationship start here
Androssi never had a friend everyone hated her but Baam risk his promotion because he cant endure see her alone

in 2nd season they are together for 2 chapters
she now have no reason to love him

this director never read tog

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fuck off consumer slave
that scene is the birth of their relationship
Baam cant endure to see her alone to risk her promotion to make her a friend

Androssi character is fucked up because this disguting director wanted put their filler shit

he never read a single page of tog

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baam never seel ANdrossi
he wanted she wrote the friend papership
for him this mean make her have friends since he can endure see her alone
true love

Baam x Androssi is canon

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Androssi dont give a shit about hatsy
>now we see hatsu accompanying androssi
never leesoo confirm that after Baam's death Androssi isolated herself from the team then during hell train she left the team to join Baam
and now hatsu is with Baam
so fuck off Androssi x Baam is canon

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