I really love female version of Kakyoin by !
I did a quick drawing, I hope you like it! ❤️

1 45

귀여운 꾹이 🐰💧물마실때 습관:

1. 한손으로 물뚜껑잡기
2. 팔 같이 올리기
3. 물병짜서 마시기

물병🍼 : 꽼!


9 55

🌈Weather Report☁️
My fanart > ig: ar.t.senic
Please support me and check my links!
🚫don't repost w/out perm!🚫

0 0

My entry for a dtiys by zullydagirl on ig... I am not immune to soft giorno art

8 13

Avdol decides to prove that he in fact, can, lift his boyfriend.
His boyfriend is not used to not being the one lifting.

1 10

Commissioned this Michelangelo sculpture for the phenomenal !

Thank you so much again for giving me the chance to make this for you. Truly an honor!

15 49

Un fanart de un fic que me gusta mucho de Jojo's tercermundistas del chico cereza uwu

1 6

It’s 3 am
I probably wouldn’t have been able to sleep if I didn’t finish this
G’night 🖤✨

7 16