世界各国の労働者の権利の尊重度 International Trade Union Confederation’s Global Rights Index
※色が薄いほど権利が尊重されている 2019年4月-2020年3月の1年間には123国でストライキ権の侵害,115国で団体交渉権の侵害があった。

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Faction aesthetics need to be so distinct too, but also call back to each other. Nunzio on the left is from The New Court, and Yigi is from The Metalbusters. Both are using pieces of Crypto-Confederacy tech from different eras.

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“Troll Approved Reboots”

In a probably quixotic attempt to stem the “The confederacy wasn’t really racist” comments/Sealion-ing, here’s a nice video:

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Decided to use a sketch from for my morning demo in my concept art class.

Don't forget to check out my page to unlock the entire first issue of my new comic, Confederate Monster, and learn how to make your own comic!

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During the Forrest fought against the United States, commanding confederate cavalry in the western theater. He was responsible for the infamous Fort Pillow massacre, in which his men murdered hundreds of unarmed, surrendering black soldiers of the .

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As he personally directed the withdrawal, Garnett was shot and instantly killed by Union troops under General Thomas A. Morris, becoming the first Confederate general killed during the His men broke and ran, leaving Garnett’s body, a cannon and 40 wagons of supplies.

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in 1864, Lincoln stood at the top of the parapet at Fort Stevens in Washington, DC for a good look at the attacking Confederates, causing one soldier to shout, "Get down, you fool, or you'll have your head knocked off!" Who knows the name of that soldier?

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米国「Confederate Motorcycles」が社名変更 「Combat Motors」として業務を継続


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🗣️ Defends the Confederate flag

🗣️ Fired a POC worker who spoke up about a racist manager with a Confederate flag tattoo

🗣️ Tried to fire a Black worker right before her maternity leave because she supported the union

Say NO to racism and

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Today, at contract negotiations, 's lawyer defended the Confederate flag.

According to this lawyer, it wasn't a hate symbol 5 years ago. 🤔

Yet another reason to

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Your base is confederacy lead by a guy who thinks your wife is ugly!

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Other ships began to withdraw. Farragut, lashed high in the rigging of the Hartford, ordered them back forward, famously saying “Damn the torpedoes”, and then ordered full speed. The fleet charged into the bay and defeated the Confederate batteries and fleet.

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His first task was to capture the , which he accomplished in April, 1862, by daring to run his fleet past the Confederate positions at Forts Jackson and St. Philip on the Mississippi River.

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I wish the people's health was as important as the confederacy to Donald!

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The local Confederate commander, Theophilus Holmes, had over 7500 men available for the assault. The Union commander, General Benjamin Prentiss, had only 4100 troops, having seen over 10,000 men depart to reinforce the army at Vicksburg just days before.

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my parents marriage lasted longer than the confederacy

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"Papà , come mai siamo stati capaci di eleggere il nostro primo presidente nero, con le statue dei generali confederati ancora in piedi?"
"Siamo maturati come paese, e poi siamo diventati immaturi."

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It just occurred to me that now would be an extremely interesting time for to commission a new Haunted Tank comic.

(If you're unfamiliar, it was long-running feature about a WWII tank crew occasionally assisted by the ghost of Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart)

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