What’s a coffee drinker’s favorite sports team?

1 13

Have you heard the new Jackhammer Band?

0 15

Say hi to Sky MoonDad for the worst “Dad joke award” where we award… the worst dad joke!

“Dear Math, grow up and solve your own problems!”

Thank you and see you next year (or not because it really painful for me)

3 5

Mom Bods 🤝Dad Jokes

For :)

Show your dad these images, I'm sure he'll be happy and you'll bond like never before :)

445 2599

"No matter how much I love cake…
I would never dessert you."

Don't forget to give your dad his just desserts! 🎂

2 3

Have you heard the new Duvet album?

2 22

Did you hear about the mouse who graduated?

0 15

Good morning everyone no image this morning but I felt like going stepping in with some text for today's

Just finished my job interview with Nike!! I'm pretty confident because apparently they said I'm a shoe-in!!

Have a great day everyone!

2 2

What kind of photos do turtles take?

2 26

I wouldn’t want to be a mechanic that specializes in rotating, mounting, and balancing.

1 8

Did you hear about the atom who lost an electron?

4 17