画質 高画質

"Hehe...Call him... 'pisslips'! But don't tell him I told you to say it"

0 9

I buy what i like♥️♥️♥️

I am fascinated by 's works

Follow him...its just amazing🚀🚀🚀

22 68

I've been trying to figure out how to draw him......
Vash and I share the same cute beauty mark 🤝

11 30

Peppino enter in the warp zone by accident and found a bunch of people that want to KILL him... Or maybe they want pizza lol.

Frens in da draw:

14 60

Just... him.... 💜

4 10

The chokehold these three have on me. I will never be normal anymore. I am saving until they release Dion soon and if I don't get him... I do something bad!

0 5

I have not posted in a wHILE and i ESPECIALLY HAVENT POSTED MY BOY IN A WHILE. I did a slight...redesign of him.... Dragon my baby
I've missed you bb
New -> Old

0 4

Not a Pokemon fan at all but maybe I should draw him...

21 112

- Ruiva, pu que as minina tem perna cumprida e corpu curtu?
- Deus quis mais ou menos assim...
- Ah...

0 2

I think Cole ( ) has to run. Something menancing is behind him...
Reminder for anyone: If you find a wild Fearless ( ), don't interact too much with her, and ( very important) DON'T call her CUTE.

10 37

he's never truly left him...

78 485

Por fim... Acho que é isso, não tenho nada a reclamar que seja realmente um problema pra história fluir...

E bom, sigo firme em falar "esse é o arco mais bem adaptado em anime de SAO".

Talvez eu mude de ideia quando ler Mother's Rosario... Não sei.

1 8

• Sinon, você não está sozinha!

A forma como Reki trabalhou a Sinon do início ao fim... E ainda fez aquele lindo paralelo dos dois personagens... MEU DEUS!

1 7

be gentle wit him.........

7 10

Sora is offering Tsukasa a flower because he loves him..... 🥺🥺

0 9

him.............................. him.............................

0 0

nope....my first crush is him, sorry, Sasuke can't beat him...😂

1 6

i should level miner on him....

5 160