(Almost) Every reference and connection to the original MSX games made in the Metal Gear Solid series.
[A thread]

[Pictured here, Iroquois Pliskin from MGS2 and Solid Snake's appearance on the cover of the 1987 original game.]

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I’ve always thought Raiden from mgs was really cool. And all versions of him to be clear: mgs2, mgs4, and mgrr

0 11

12. mgs2 has an incredibly relevant message, good gameplay, and good overall writing
if there is a game i would call "required reading" this is probably it

0 1

小島監督作品の主人公はスナッチャー~MGS1までは30代で、MGS2とMGS3では若返って20代後半になりますが、MGS4~MGSPWでは40歳前後。MGSV:TPPでは50代、DEATH STRNDINGの主人公もサムを演じるノーマン・リーダスが現在51歳なので恐らくその辺り。

78 461

エルジー&フランシスはMGS3でソ連領内から脱出に使用したWIG?、 ウィリアム・フレミングはMGS2のゴルルコビッチ兵、レオーネ大尉もバックパックを背負ったゴルルコビッチ兵?、ラ・クラウンはMGS2の天狗兵。

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i felt rush of love to because i played mgs2 finally and gosh i love those two dorks

11 35

finishing off these mgs2 draws with a solidus snake

boy that doc ock suit was a pain to figure out i tell you hwat

1 3

i am playing mgs2 for the first time and who let snakes ass look like that. anyway mini sketches

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64 450

that stuff about a metal gear solid movie reminded me i'm doing these mgs2 portraits

so here's olga and fortune~

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mgs2 portraits finally continue with Emma Emmerich~

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Am I the only one who thought this looked like MGS2 Snake? ...Fitting since that took place in NYC. https://t.co/9Srunv8KTF

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Kojima calls the MGS2 Raiden the Blue Raiden(青雷電)." The word "青い" refers to blue as a color, but in Japan it means inexperienced, young or adolescent.
We can imagine that the word "blue" also to his inner self.

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In Dengeki PlayStation Vol. 526, Shinkawa said that in the days of MGS2, the concept color for each title had not been decided, so he painted it in his favorite color, and the illustration for MGS4 at E3 2005 was painted in blue because the key color had not yet been decided.

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one of my favorite scenes in mgs2...

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The Hudson River 19 years ago...

What are your memories?

Art by our own

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