It's I'm proudly DemiBisexual! (Art by )

3 39

im trans, polysexual, and very swag
still figuring things out!!, but im doing my best
luv u all take care

1 12

A data é gringa mas a gente adora uma oportunidade pra ter orgulho de ser LGBT+ então olha eu aqui de novo 💖💜💙

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To all the Aces in the room, on any part of the spectrum, know that your preference, your interest, your choice, and everything about you, is valid. You're not broken, you're beautiful.


0 18

Came out to my mom finally.
The last one to know.

1 7

aromantic and nonbinary!! its not great, scribbled out real fast, but!!!! :]

3 8

It be me, an aro ace enby :D this was kinda rushed but yknow

3 17

Happy everyone!

I'm Kaida, a pansexual/genderfluid freelance digital artist and fursuit maker! I mainly use she/they pronouns, but male pronouns are also accepted!

You are all beautiful and amazing just the way you are! Stay strong, I believe in you💖

0 8

Бисексуальный скетч ко дню каминг-аута.
Хочу дожить до времен, когда людям не придется рисковать всем, вылезая из шкафа.

5 38

I think I've known for some years but haven't really bothered with posting about it, but why not. I've never been interested in dating and prefer just having friends. I'm ace.

0 12

Hey what day is it today...#NationalComingOutDay !! And this is da time i come out fully! (well...atm)

So, Hello there. My name is Winter

0 13

Leif & Thorn 7 (canon one-sided so far, with a confession coming down the line...)

🕊️ Archie x Rowan, first-date eye-gazing

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It's so please appreciate the story of how my sister didn't believe me when I told her I was gay:

3 14

I officially made my coming out to my family this year, happy to celebrate for the first time!

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Hi im A1 and im non binary and gay ^ ^

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