3 more images from Paris. St. Denis figurative group from the North Portal of Notre-Dame, intact!, showing decapitated St. Denis holding his own head, plus my Paris map of the arrondissements (star indicating Ile St. Louis, where N-D STILL stands) and rooftops across the Seine

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From : "an image of Fyre Tower, specifically the top ten arrondissements. You guys are on arr 24 in this ep, aka the bottom floor."

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Rolando García y Risieri Frondizi fundando las bases de la mítica UBA de los '60. (dibujo circa 2005).

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"something gentle" for .... ephrim and throndir are in Love.....

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lancelots sword arondight the silver one though.

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First part and First Private Photoset of 2019! 💖 Thank you for your collaboration with me!
Ph: Nausicaa Rondina (Naisikaink)
Cosplayer: or Akemi cosplay On Facebook
Serie: Spice & Wolf
Photoset inspired by the Keito Koume Illusion Artbook

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This is Rondine, the Sentinel of the Skies. He leads the Air Cavalry of the Maverick Hunters after Storm Eagle's death and strictly follows his task of protecting airspace. Rondine aids the military and other MH Units with his fleet, whose flagship is shaped after a barn swallow.

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Sei ritornato in me
come un fedele
stormo di rondini
che riappendon nidi
al tetto oscuro del cuore

Antonia Pozzi
🎨Mary Alayne Thomas

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golden lance throndir......................

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thorondir is the oldest guyron in hieron i maintain this

9 30

Samedi 3 novembre, je serai au 5e Salon BD & Images LGBT Paris à la mairie du 4ème arrondissement de Paris.
J’aurai avec moi des exemplaires de The gardener ainsi que mon roman Ouvrir les yeux.
N’hésitez pas à passer me faire un petit coucou ! 🙂

2 4

Je pensais jamais que je ferais un tweet comme celui là mais ça n’arrive pas qu’aux autres: j’ai été victime d’une agression homophobe hier soir dans le 15e arrondissement de Paris parce que je portais du make-up 🙃

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i feel like the hieron design i had pinned down the least was throndir so here's another shot at him!!

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throndir and his two moms (+kodiak!)

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Hey guys, another info on "Force of Will" card illustrations. I did the illustrations for "Arondight, the Nitrogen Blade" and "One Who Gazes at the Soul." They come with the New Valhalla Cluster Set, "New Dawn Rises." Thanks! and enjoy FoW! https://t.co/bKYgXUjxRG

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Coucou, voilà ma !!
C'est une docteur de la peste, alchimiste à ses heures perdues pour arrondir les fins de mois

Edit : le dessin pixelise ca m'énerve )8<

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Commission for David Rondinelli / Horizon Line Comics, his character Ink.

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Here's some Red Jack and Throndir for , who has excellent taste, and who is excellent.

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