As always, our Dear Leader reacts decisively to the only important data [Telegraph Tuesday 28/12/21].

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The Ghost of Lockdowns Past may be troubling some -but not our intrepid PM Bozo on Christmas Eve. He don't listen to no party poopin' science guys! Oh no! [Telegraph Friday 24/12/21]

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Hurrah it's season. The dames are squabbling to get on stage if Madam Bojo corpses. [Telegraph Sunday 19/12/21].

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That ol' boosterish Cnut seems to be at odds with doomster courtier, the Prof, over the wave. [Telegraph Friday 17/12/21].

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Zamaς' lack of training with his powers causes a lot of energy to be lost as heat and light, resulting in a corona-like glow around his head and tendrils when manipulating gravity.

All Dralox are capable of this, but for Zamaς, it is involuntary and can telegraph his movements.

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Things ain't looking good for ol' Bertie Booster tonight. But it could all change. Maybe he should organise a party. [Telegraph Saturday 10/12/2021]

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