The spike S2 subunit (fusion machinery) harbors mutations introducing additional electrostatic contacts with the S1 subunit, which might explain the reduced S1 shedding described in this preprint (


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Brian Adcock: Ego monkey and tory tosspot Boris Johnson is perhaps a little torn. - political cartoon gallery in London

13 37

Andy Davey: The Ghost of Lockdowns Past may be troubling some but not our intrepid on Christmas Eve. He don't listen to no party poopin' science guys! Oh no! - political cartoon gallery in London

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The Ghost of Lockdowns Past may be troubling some -but not our intrepid PM Bozo on Christmas Eve. He don't listen to no party poopin' science guys! Oh no! [Telegraph Friday 24/12/21]

12 27

so the first death from of course they follow with had pre existing conditions on the news . Like it’s our fault for dying oh don’t be afraid healthy humanoids ! he was flawed so he died . As an person every time I hear this I feel devalued

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Reviving my punny holiday creations to hopefully spread a little cheer amidst all the madness 🤓✏️❤️ If they make you smile (or even just cringe) a little, my job here is done!!

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