Here is the clearer video.

They claimed they are Not soldiers, trying to bury the evidence

Let the whole world know that BUHARI, TINUBU and SANWO OLU did this to peaceful protesters of


342 137

Shinji Mikami habló de como el 1er estaba concebido para tener la cámara en 1era persona. Mikami pensó que esa cámara le daba al juego un aire más terrorifico, pero algunos testers no estaban de acuerdo, por lo que lo cambiaron a la cámara fija.

0 4

Illustrator for iPad is now out! I was lucky enough to be part of the beta testers for this, here's a little something I put together while testing it out :) Thanks for the beta invite

0 19

It's best to go home. These ones are thugs, not protesters. Everyone should stay safe.

Anyway, I've been drawing HD quality cartoon pictures of tweeps & their loved ones♥️, at 5k only. Send a DM to also get yours done. Check my profile to see some of my previous works.

0 3

Two testers, one patient.

53 372

day 18.
I uploaded a new demo for the beta testers on Itch io.
You can pretty much sleep, get the first effect (roller skates), explore three worlds, wake up and save.

0 9

We need your attention. Thai dictatorial government is violently attacking the unarmed protesters who call for democracy. World community .please stand with us. 🙏

9 9


If someone is shot while protesting, use these 10 tips to save their life urgently!

{A thread dedicated to protesters at Berger, Abuja, Port Harcourt & everywhere}

Retweet widely🙏

11371 4845

Ya esta disponible en nuestro Parche de Traducción para 4 en ingles!
Estamos terminando de testear/corregir y ya empezamos la traducción de
Se buscan Testers y Traductores para participar de nuestro Proyecto!
Difusión por favor~

5 31

A black bear named Gavin, who likes to fish, and cook what he catches. He's always looking for more taste testers.~
Another VN styled character.

557 2250

Armel the bear multi material files are ready - my faithful testers have printers at the ready...I hope.

I also love me some 2.9 - it's swiftly becoming my only go-to software for models of this kind..

2 14

Buscamos Testers y Traductores, si conoces gente que este dispuesto/a a ayudar a este humilde proyecto, pasa la palabra, es un proyecto muy grande y requiere de muchas personas!
Gracias por el continuo apoyo y trataremos de llegar a Lostbelt, este mismo año!

7 17

One of the many constant reminders that Black lives don't matter in our society.
We stand with Breonna's family. We stand with the protesters in and nationwide.

(art by Ariel Sinha )

2 9

Breonna Taylor deserved better.
KC Community Bail Fund stands in solidarity for our protesters.
If someone you know has been arrested and needs assistance paying bail, contact us at (816) 562-0952

53 94

Necesitamos gente que se pase el juego varias veces y vaya reportando todos los errores que encuentre.

¡Responde aquí y comenta por qué deberías ser elegido!
¡Muchas gracias!

50 228

They are our sauzuk it means hand and foot.
We should do our best to support them. Hope they can safe.

1 2

Ever want to know what it's like to work in an adult store?

This track is all about that! But, maybe you're being hired as a ... tester!? 💦💦

Find out more by listening to "How to make the Ideal Toy: Now Hiring Testers!" in English!

2 5

Remember when Garma just mowed down partly unarmed protesters in a tank in the name of mop-up? Yeah.

7 48

I'm releasing this subclass in about 12 hours. A lot of work went into balancing this oath, helped by some very smart folk. The playtesters loved playing it! Will be giving a big discount to members of my mailing list:

28 183

Testing color composition between enemies and their environments for Was a rough summer but I'm almost ready to get some testers!

12 26