Toji, who previously lived in the shadows, has stepped into the spotlight for this week's He may be a skilled fighter, though his social skills are still lacking. Thankfully he now have supportive friends to help him.

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Nothing can, and nothing ever will, destroy the love Ophion have for his wife, no matter where they may be or what form they may take. is just any other day to continue his ways of showing affection.

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Arsalan from housamo spent 3 days on this so uhh I’m gonna go rest now—

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He certainly doesn't have the strongest opinions on the protagonist, or at the very least not the strongest *positive* ones, but Aizen is not shy to share them, not even for this week's

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We've reached six months of weekly drawings and making a fiery entrance this week is the Loyal One, Tadatomo, one of my early personal favorites.

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… with a comparison of how I draw Tadatomo cool back in 2019 (when I started my practice) vs 2021.

Think my execution could be done a bit better. But there's always a next attempt :3.

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Ain't no mountain high enough to stop Zao from climbing it, not now on this not ever.

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While Tsathoggua may not be the most physically active person out there, if there's something he's active in, it is indulging in his hobbies, like gaming for example, which he is even for this week's

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