Toji, who previously lived in the shadows, has stepped into the spotlight for this week's He may be a skilled fighter, though his social skills are still lacking. Thankfully he now have supportive friends to help him.

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He certainly doesn't have the strongest opinions on the protagonist, or at the very least not the strongest *positive* ones, but Aizen is not shy to share them, not even for this week's

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While Tsathoggua may not be the most physically active person out there, if there's something he's active in, it is indulging in his hobbies, like gaming for example, which he is even for this week's

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While Leib would much rather just take a long nap, this time he takes the spotlight on this week's

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His name is Claude, he's a natural leader, the Guild Master of the Ikebukuro Berserkers and the character for this week's

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With a personality as bright and cheerful as a star, Cthugha shows up for this week's Currently probably the one that gave me the most struggle, though likely simply because of shoddy time management.

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