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Mention us or use for a repost request. ・・・
Riffing on something I saw by Raven Kwok whose idea was based on

Crowdfunding our website on Patreon. See link in bio for our IG story mention rew… https://t.co/52jmAfs5A8

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[Eastbourne Tides]
Going full 3D and bringing vertex shaders to the party.

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Riffing on something I saw by whose idea was based on

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Kind of a hectic pond or a really thick liquid. Trying out displaced geometric patterns from distance fields and some 3D shading techniques added.

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[Funky Gunk] 🎧
I was playing around with generative ideas and audio chains in and eventually it became a new sketch. Using a mix of frequency content and RGB noise to generate glitchy shaders.

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