Mary G. Ross? 110th Birthday, 8/9/18, UnitedStates.

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Mar?a Rebecca Latigo de Hern?ndez?s 122nd Birthday, 7/29/18, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Singapore, UnitedStates, Uruguay.

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Helen Rodr?guez Tr?as? 89th Birthday, 7/7/18, PuertoRico, Singapore, UnitedStates.

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Even Steve Rogers doesn’t care about the language when it is time to fuck nazis.
Happy Birthday, Steve! <3

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Farewell, Symbol of Peace!

had a lot of fun making this one, definitely one of my most action orientated pieces yet! thanks again to the folks at DB Sakuga for helping my perfect this!

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Teacher Appreciation Week Begins!, 5/7/18, UnitedStates.

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of the propellers weighs an astounding 60,000 lbs! We must save this marvel of American design and engineering:

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Hope Hicks | White House Communications Director | Resigned February 28, 2018

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