Froggy Friend bought for 0.08 ETH (214.75 USD) by 9oon from YN88

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Ydych chi wedi methu rhai o drêts cyffrous AmserGartref y BookTrust?
Peidiwch â phoeni – rydyn ni’n storio pob un ohonyn nhw yn y Cwpwrdd AmserGartref ar eich cyfer!

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Mae croeso i bawb ar 1 Mai yn ar gyfer digwydd Pride Bach. Ymunwch â ni am rhaglen hwyliog, AM DDIM i'r teulu cyfan i ddathlu bod yn hapus, yn falch ac i ymfalchïo ym mhwy ydych chi. Bydd crefftau, paentio wynebau a gorymdaith fach!

2 1

Mae dathliadau yn parhau yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau ar 1 Mai gyda Pride Bach. Mae croeso i bawb i'r rhaglen hwyliog hon i'r teulu cyfan i ddathlu bod yn hapus, yn falch ac i ymfalchïo ym mhwy ydych chi: 🌈 🌈 🌈

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白崎さん(@ Shiro_Yn3)とラフ交換した絵


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/@ wks_yn / /

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Ydych chi wedi archebu eich tocyn eto?🎟️

Mae digon o gyfleoedd i brofi bywyd Twm Siôn Cati yn dechrau ar yr 24ain o Fai yn !

Have you bought your ticket yet!🎟️

There’s enough chances for you to experience the life of Twm Siôn Cati on our tour across Wales!

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11- L'yn hates her failures, knowing that bad things happen because of her and being alone is the worst thing to overcome. So SHB has been really difficult for her xD. Somehow "it is your fault" is the worst fear she has.

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7- She had a happy childhood with loving people around after she fled from Kugane with her mother on the island. She loves thavnair deeply and continues to think it's the most beautiful place on Eorzea. L'yn never speaks about the loneliness/bad things happened out there.

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1- Here's L'yn Lagshee! Her real name is Yn but nobody use it. They call her L'yn or Lyn, even her family. And Lagshee for the name of her father as nunh!

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1/2 is back!
After cutting short our second project in 2020, we have now rescheduled some of our cancelled performances...
Ar ôl torri ein hail brosiect yn fyr yn 2020, rydyn ni bellach wedi ad-drefnu rhai o’r perfformiadau a gafodd eu gohirio...

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🌈 Dyma baentiad Turner 'Yr Enfys '. 🌈

Beth am greu llun enfys eich hunan? Gwnewch liwiau a siapiau hyfryd gyda'ch celf llaw/troed eich hun!

Byddem wrth ein bodd yn eu gweld!

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Peter wanted be nice to another survivor besides YN for once and decided when he tried to help them with something he ended up getting punched in the eye in return, is this the last time he does that (?

0 14

Ar gael nawr!

Cyfrol fydd yn datgelu’r hanes a’r cyfrinachau y tu ôl i enwau lleoedd, enwau ffermydd ac enwau caeau Ardudwy.

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This is what I drew 2 months ago. It's about how I felt when I first came into contact with YBG this game
btw:I'm still trying to find someone from my friends who can help me translate comics
When I find a translator, I upload my yn and Yb introduction

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