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Såg Makoto Shinkais nya animefilm ”Tenki no ko” som fått engelska titeln ”Weathering with you”. Den var väl Ok, men jag tror jag är lite less på Shinkais filmer. Den kändes så lik Your name ( pojke & flicka möts pga mystiska händelse, de splittas pga mystiska saker, pojke gör>

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shinkai babies 🐰🥕

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This movie really gave me tears and happiness but very satisfied and inspired of this movie. It will be one of my favorite movie of all time. Thank u Makoto Shinkai-sensei and the cast for making this. 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Kanata Shinkai 深海奏汰 from fanart~ still haven't watched the anime yet 'cause I'm waiting for it to finish first 💦

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Shinka et la petite nouvelle de l'agence : Hiroshi ! ( Perso de )

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at one point they become violent and psychotic, or simply show their true "evil" personality.

Example : Otoya Takechi (Akuma no Riddle), Kyouji Shinkawa (Sword Art Online II)

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réalisé par a été sélectionné pour représenter le Japon dans la catégorie du meilleur long-métrage international lors de la 92eme cérémonie des Oscars !

En France le long-métrage a été acquis par un distributeur.

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Just watched (#WeatheringWithYou )

It was an awesome experience especially that I watched it on almost all by myself. As expected to It was worth it.

It made me cry on the scene when Tokyo started to shine. Amazing cinematic!

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3 years ago, Makoto Shinkai's Your Name was released 26 August 2016. And he finished to write the first script of Weathering With You the same day of 2017. Now, Weathering With You is selected as Japan's pick for Oscars' Best International Feature Film 2020.

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I will bring you back even though Tokyo will rain forever.
fanart for the latest Makoto Shinkai film Tenki no ko "Weathering with you"

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Del director de "Your Name" Makoto Shinkai's llega la nueva película que ha batido records en Japón y es nominada a los Oscars (película internacional). New film 'Weathering With You' is already the 10th biggest Japanese film ever and is Japan's official submission for the Oscars

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Shinkai's 'Weathering With You' Scores Big Box Office and Oscar Submission https://t.co/EgtNt6UgLl

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Tenki no Ko es la película elegida por Japón para representar al país en la categoría de mejor película extranjera para la próxima edición de los premios Oscar.

El film, de Makoto Shinkai, competirá en una categoría que comunmente no tiene películas animadas.

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Shinkai Makoto's "Tenki no Ko" was selected as Japan representative in the 92nd Academy Awards, Best International Feature Film Category (before: Best Foreign Language Film). The award ceremony held on February 9, 2020.

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La noticia del día llega desde Japón. La academia japonesa ha seleccionado "Weathering With You" de Makoto Shinkai para representar al país en los Oscar 2020. Es la primera vez que un film de animación es elegido desde "La princesa Mononoke" de Hayao Miyazaki en 1998.

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Makoto Shinkai's 'Weathering With You' not only brings back the astonishing visuals from prior films and that awesome Radwimps flare, but fulfills what I've always wanted in 1 of his films: a world so breathtaking filled with a cast that made my heart burst with emotion. Amazing.

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I'm a good lil sis and I won't spoil u the movie, but here's a redraw of one of the scenes :^)
I just watched Tenki No Ko with some frens yesterday. Really liked it 😍

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