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Here's some weird fanservice for 2018 (Click the link for full comic) https://t.co/6hIXeaweZS

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Tho I was thinking perhaps it would have been more suitable for Canaan to be a Kuurin instead a Nanaus... Welp. If you have any request of any other chara from my other games in the world of Infurubia, let me know I'm always eager to draw dumb fanservice stuff.🐸👍

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Always good to start off after vacation hiatus with Incujon fanservice

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Review: No Game No Life: Zero doesn't need fanservice to make us fall in love with its characters https://t.co/1MpXlSTPx8

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Grosse illu que j'avais commencé y'a treeees longtemps. Un peu de fanservice ne fait de mal a presonne 😊😊 j'en suis vachement fière donc RT en fav en masse appréciés 💜💜

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No game no life (12 eps)
-pro gamer siblings get send into world where everything is a game
-i love the animation
-i didn't expect it to be that good
-really fun to watch
-a lot of fanservice tho
-some games are amazing
-still waiting for a second season

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I really want to go back on working on refraction dreamer but also, how do you entice ppl to read a fantasy webtoon when the major demographic subscribes to mostly romance????
how about

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Hey , I notice you got a lotta fanservice, but not a lotta manservice, amirite fellas... 😎

anyway please localize KLAP

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I've introduced Hana to you and I hope you did read the part in which I mentioned that I wanted to make fanservice art of her! Here it is.👍🏻

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Meet Hana Choi - daughter of a CEO who own a popular undergarment brand. She dropped out of college and doesn't know what she should do, but she's doing just fine.

Her father's just an excuse for me to make fanservice of her in cute underwear btw - I love her.

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The I-Chu and A3 collaboration event is called ICHU★Keika Sengen! It's a new event type called "Fanservice Event". The story will be about the I-chu's trying out acting!

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It's not that I can't do fanservice, it's just a pain in the ass.

Felicia from Darkstalkers//birthday present for a friend!

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Comparacion: Rinne, fanservice. !!! (hace tiempo que no se la ve)

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