//=time() ?>
Chachi guía para combatir el aburrimiento!
6: Darte caprichitos
Una taza de té bien calentita y chocolate para alegrar el día 💓💓💓
#quedateenlopositivo #yomequedoencasa #mequedoencasa #quedateencasa #frenarlacurva #cuarentena #quarantine #stayhome #staythefuckhome
#小豆ちゃん #みずポケモン
#Yurichine加工 #Yurichine線画
#小豆ちゃん #パオパオチャンネル
#Yurichine加工 #Yurichine線画
Richies exe stopped working 💥
Eddie drinks too much at Beverly and Ben's wedding and Richie can't handle it.
#reddie #ITChapter2 #fanart
Voici le logo final pour Les Arts dans les Remparts ! On continue de travailler en espérant que les festivités puissent avoir lieu. Croisons les doigts !
Ça a été un travail enrichissant pour moi, en tout cas. J'en suis contente, quoi qu'il arrive !
He… https://t.co/1GpJtSpnrM
eddie, stop kissing strange boys in the dairy fridge!
(..casually refuses to do a proper bg because im valid)
uhhhh grocery store richie courtesy of @majorinsarcasm who is an endless fount of good ideas
AU where Richie is a hybrid
Happy birthday @BombPopRaccoon 💖💖💖
➡️Maria comtesse Von Donhoff.
➡️Magdalena Plach, 1870.
Hans Makart (1840-1884), peintre et décorateur autrichien.
During this challenging time, we are committed to providing opportunities for deep and enriching learning experiences; we will be providing activities based on our collection of teen art & writing for students to continue to explore issues facing our blue planet. 💙 Stay tuned!
I don't know when anyone watched Inu x Boku SS but Ririchiyo was and still is my waifu❤Just look how wonderfull she is❤>///<Plus I love purple❤😍I miss her so much T^T❤
*insert soft 80s music*
#reddie #richietozier #eddiekaspbrak #it #itchapter2 #stephenking #cute #couple #cuddle #lgbt #draw #drawing #gayguy #art #artist #sketch #sketchbook #billhader #jamesransone #comics
Born #OnThisDay in 1473: #HeinrichIV, Duke of Saxony (1473-1541)
Portrait by Lucas #Cranach the Elder (1472-1553)
#HeinrichderFromme #Wettin
Born #OnThisDay in 1473: #HeinrichIV, Duke of Saxony (1473-1541)
Portrait by workshop of Lucas #Cranach the Elder (1472-1553), ca. 1526
#HeinrichderFromme #Wettin
Sto supportando una il #gofundme per il #COVIDー19 per il #GiovanniXXIII di #amorepostaggio: https://t.co/n6fFAIiBQF
Per ogni donazione a partire da 5 euro regalo un disegno a scelta, questo #astolfo da #fate è proprio una delle richieste. Se non potete donare, pls #retweet