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Hi! I'm Mildred, a.k.a. BlueAlhena. I write and illustrate fantasy stories, drawing inspiration from nature, mythology and folklore. Currently working on children picture books and novels.
Instagram: https://t.co/4qYOx9lRwu
Patreon: https://t.co/Q9tx8VWtMV
Then the birth of Wiene Vouivre a month later in July 2018!!
...And then me and my thing with my WoL and her headgear because her lore... hhhoawpifpj
Hullo #VisibleWomen ♡
I'm Cara, a comic book artist and illustrator. I've done stuff for DC, BOOM, Cards Against Humanity, IDW, and more! I live in the woods and like to research food lore.
I know this looks wonky and stuff but I needed something comforting to ease the tension today is hard so I drew Haven being happy just thinking about Bei and about being free to explore. Haven can't stop blushing when he gets into those soft thoughts and well he just winds up
“L’uomo arriva troppo in fretta alla giovinezza. E mentre la vive non ne conosce il valore.”
Carmen Korn
Io comunque vorrei anche la serie tv!
Now I miss Duludubi again... :') I was especially interested in those books which again, I only got a hold of one of. The art in them is wonderful.
Also, yes. Duludubi had actual lore.
Believe it or not, it's #SamaelSaturday!
Also, believe it or not-- Samael is an archangel of Talmudic lore. And his alignment as portrayed in the lore has been one of ambiguity.
Il cielo..
non ha mai saputo di essere blu
Il prato..
non ha mai conosciuto il suo verde erbaceo
e il papavero..ignora il rosso dei suoi petali.
Ma tu, prestami tutte le varianti dei colori che vedono i tuoi occhi
Creerò un mondo che si riconoscerà nel nome del suo vero colore.
1st had really bad art, but it managed to trick some people xD I remember creating one fakemon purposely ugly (that eyeball ghost), and one person commented it must be real because it's based on some sort of Japanese folklore. I was flattered, even if that wasn't intentional ^^'
Hi there #drawingwhileblack ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I'm Shirley, a black/korean artist. My work is inspired by animals, the natural world, magic & folklore. 🦊🐺🐢🍃✨
Sono ancora in lutto.
#beefleaf modern AU per combattere il dolore.
#FolkloreThursday The púca is primarily a creature of Celtic folklore.The creatures were said to be shape-changers, which could take the appearance of horses, cats, dogs, and hares. They may also take a human form, which includes various animal features, such as ears or a tail.
Hi, I’m Kaden! I’m an illustrator and character designer based around the LA area! I draw mostly D&D based art, and talk a lot about my Sunday game called #CoworkersAndCaptives where I play my bard Nettle. Will occasionally scream about my love of monsters and folklore.
@MegMarmite Hi there, I am an illustrator and sculptor based in England. I love to create characters based on cryptozoology and folklore. I would love to illustrate childrens books one day. 💚
#FGO_ep7 Chaldea and coffee is lore. Jamaica Blue Mountain is a coffee with a great reputation. It is one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Until 2007, it was the most expensive. He was later dethroned by Kopi Luwak coffee from Indonesia.
Betrayal at Mystery Mansion from @robdaviau & @AvalonHill2 is a mash-up of the Scooby-Doo gang and Betrayal at House on the Hill that presents 3-5 players, ages 8+, with 25 haunts to explore. Due out May 15, 2020.
More info on BGG News: https://t.co/mjqiepWl84. —WEM
I've been addicted to #puyopuyotetris since Christmas. I love the characters, the dialogue, the absurd plot and playing against my brother. So expect upcoming buttons or stickers or something from the series. #wip #createdonsurface #photoshop #PuyoPuyo #Tetris I need more lore.
@Wizardust Aw thanks for this thread and your artwork is gorgeous! I am an illustrator and sculptor based in Yorkshire, UK. I really enjoy designing characters based on cryptozoology or folk lore.
Joining the #MyDragonOC tag!
Arson is my main OC. He's been with me for 4 years now. Started out as a Game of Thrones fan OC and later became his own character with his own universe and lore. He's a fiery dude and loves urban anarchy/chaos/turmoil very much...
@MissAmethysa "Hello! I'm a gnome mechanic learning to become a magistrix. I havnt seen much of the world but my dream is to become a pilot and explore." 😊